Welcome to TechCity Connect - a Series of Digital Events in Tech, Art & Culture
The digital world creates huge opportunities for businesses and people to thrive, but it also presents challenges.
Even with all the technology at our fingertips, it can be tough to stay connected – especially at these difficult times where remote working is more vital than ever.
So, we curated a series of digital events (including webinars, roundtables and panel discussions), to help people connect, share knowledge and gain insights from the experts shaping the future.
Discover TechCity Connect for yourself: catch up with the videos from all 12 events below.
“Think about cloud adoption over the short, medium and longterm. There are some great opportunities in the short term, but be strategic about it. Training can offer long term benefits of developer productivity and security advances across cloud platforms."
James Corcoran - CTO Financial Services - Kx
“Digital assets are gearing up to be their own vigorous asset class. To survive market cycles and not be cyclical they need access to market, transparency and liquidity.”
Blockchain -The Future of Finance - Aman Kohli – DXC
“This issue of access to the arts is not merely political correctness, it is an absolute imperative to society. The greatest range of voices you can harness from the greatest range of places in society, gives a sense that you belong.”
Journey to Nutopia - Jude Kelly CBE – The Wow Foundation
“Smart Cities are those that are able to put together a long-term plan to make use of innovation and the massive adoption of technology to provide citizens with new services that deliver efficiency and reliable public infrastructure.”
Smart Cities & Smart Citizens – Jorge Bento – Vodafone
“There are certain key themes that come up repetitively throughout the legislation. Those are AI, SMEs, data privacy, data sharing, this levels out the playing field creating value for individuals, the economy and society.”
Peter Lancos - Co-Founder & CEO - eXate
"We've had a bizarre transformation in the way our network is used. We see the impact of COVID-19 in behaviour. In the last 6 weeks, we've had 9 years of growth invoice traffic."
Kelvin Prescott - Head of Enterprise Sales - O2
"Many of the changes in behaviour - be it customers, individuals, or regulators - have been waiting to happen. So it's almost this pent up lake of changes now accelerating."
Ron Kersic - Enterprise Architect - ING
"We like to keep the audience as informed as possible leading up to the event. We do this by creating additional assets like ‘Speaker Bio’s’ and ‘Full agenda’ documents. This can also help to give weight to your event by showing the volume of people and companies involved."
Jess Black - Head of Design - ditto
"When we think about Next Generation App Delivery and development, we're looking at it not from just from a technology perspective, but also a people, resource and business stakeholder perspective. To get buy-in, it’s not just about technology, you need commitment from your people to making that change.”
Stephen Murphy - CEO & Co-Founder - Genesis
“We have a great opportunity now as the world has widely adopted the cloud. We know the technology can do it - it’s now about getting the organisation to encourage people to move in that direction.”
Elizabeth Sipiere - Chief of Staff - Legerity
"You have to achieve balance. We have to have optimism as we deal with these incredible problems. We have to look at problems with a cheerful face because optimism is a sustainable strategy and cynicism is not.”
Rinaldo S. Brutoco - CEO & Founder - World Business Academy
"There is still a way to go until Smart Cities can deliver what smart citizens want. As smart citizens, we want an overall friction-less experience throughout our lives – a convenient and connected way to live.”
Paul Colgan - SVP and Head of Telco - Kx
Big Boost Breakfast
Enjoy a mindful start to the day
- Michael McCaffrey - Founder of Breathing Space Wellness
- Joseph Lee - Presenter of Big Boost Mondays, ditto
Everyone learns more when they have an open mind. So, get the day off to a positive start with a guided series of mindfulness and wellness exercises designed to get you thinking differently.
The Future of Working & Learning
How remote became the new connected
- Tom Kennedy, Head Of Sales - CWSI (Moderator)
- Jane Gormley, Director of Employment Services - Code Institute
- Shirley Finnerty, Workplace & Devices Business Lead - Microsoft
- Kelvin Prescott, Head of Enterprise Sales - O2
It’s the hot topic of the moment… But how can firms approach it effectively? And how will it continue to shape your working and learning practices? Explore this and more as our experts delve into the worlds of remote working, and also the advances in on-line personal development.
Big Data & Ethics
With the world of Big Data comes big responsibilities
- Charles Radclyffe - Data Philosopher (Moderator)
- Gillian Doyle, CEO & Co-Founder - Cerebreon
- Peter Lancos, Co-Founder and CEO - eXate
- Richard Robinson, Chief Commercial Officer - DPL
Businesses are practically falling over themselves to deliver on the potential of their data, but are they acting responsibly? Find out why you need to pay more attention to the ethics of data usage – and discover the tools you can use to get it right.
Smart Cities & Smart Citizens
Exploring 5G, IoT and the connected world
- Gareth Mee, CEO & Founder - Invenica (Moderator)
- Jorge Bento, Global Head of IoT - Vodafone
- Paul Colgan, SVP and Head of Telco - Kx
- Mike Wilson, CEO & Founder - ditto
What will the cities of tomorrow look like – and how will the demand for digital services from citizens drive their development? Discover a daring vision of a digital future, and the technologies that will be vital in
realising it.
In conversation with Jo Mangan
Journey to Nutopia
- Jo Mangan, CEO - Carlow Arts Festival (Moderator)
- Jude Kelly CBE - Director - WOW Foundation
- Hamish Jenkinson - CD & Co-Founder, The Department
- Richard Norris - Music Producer, Writer
It uplifts us, drives us and inspires us… Great art always has so much to teach us, which is why we’re delighted to be joined at TechCity Connect by award-winning theatre director and CEO/Director of Carlow Arts Festival Jo Mangan and her guests. What is journey to Nutopia? It’s a desire to move towards a better place. It’s a conversation about positive future narratives. It’s the anti-dystopia. Its music, talks, spoken word, visions. It’s a demand for positive change.
Next Gen: App Dev & Delivery
The new tools accelerating building solutions in Capital Markets
- Mike Wilson, CEO & Founder - ditto (Moderator)
- Stephen Murphy, CEO & Co-Founder - Genesis
- Alexandra Boyle, Director - OpenFin
The demand for new apps in Capital Markets is off the charts, with firms racing to create a competitive advantage. But what’s driving this demand? And how can you accelerate your development and delivery processes? Get the answers to these questions and explore the exciting new tools designed to give your business the edge.
Blockchain - The Future of Finance
How Blockchain and Digital Assets have come of age
- Monty Munford, Founder - Mob76 (Moderator)
- Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie, CEO - BCB Group
- Aman Kohli, Chief Technology Officer Banking - DXC
- Richard Crook, Director & Founder - LAB577
Blockchain has become a go-to technology for everything from improving supply chains to fighting identity theft, so how can it make the difference to financial institutions? Find out how your firm can use it to your advantage – and see how it’s set to transform the entire sector.
The Power of Cloud
Move to the sky to make things fly
- James McLeod, Director of Community - FINOS (Moderator)
- Elizabeth Sipiere, Chief of Staff - Legerity
- James Corcoran, CTO Financial Services - Kx
- Peter Thomas, Principal Engineer, C & IB - Deutsche Bank
With cloud computing playing a role in almost everything we do today, it’s easy for firms to think they have the cloud cracked. But are they making the most of its true potential? Discover the cloud processes that could change the way you do business – especially when it comes to managing and using data.
Digital Transformation – What Next?
The shift from Digital Transformation to
Digital Survival
- David Dalton, Consulting Partner - Deloitte (Moderator)
- Karl Turnbull, Head Bank Services & Financial Inst. - Starling Bank
- Maciej Salata, Consulting Director - Comarch
- Ron Kersic, Enterprise Architect - ING
The experiences of the past weeks have moved the Digital Transformation debate to the top of the agenda. For some firms it’s no longer a matter of adopting ‘digital’ and refreshing selected existing channels – it’s now a full-blown embrace as the socio & economic paradigm we are working through causes them to reflect and assess. What are the ideas emerging for employee duty of care, public perception, customer expectation and regulation? What next for Digital Transformation?
The Future of Business & Leadership
Shaping new cultures with purpose
- Michael Imeson, Senior Content Editor - FT Live (Moderator)
- Peter Matthies, CEO & Founder - Conscious Business Institute
- Rinaldo S. Brutoco, CEO & Founder - World Business Academy
- Nadja Haakansson, Managing Director Region Africa - Siemens
Existing methods of business & leadership are not fit for today’s times. To achieve different results, we need a new approach. This expert panel will discuss the next generation of leaders, creating collaborative teams, and realising inspiring, purpose-driven cultures.
New Media Showcase - DIY
Discover the latest tools on the market
- Rodney Orpheus - Tech designer, product & marketing executive
- ditto All-stars
Want to support your campaign with a webinar, but not sure where to begin? In this interactive tutorial, the team behind Tech-City Connect
will show you everything you need to know about putting together
online events.
Campfire with Richard Norris
Music for Healing
- Richard Norris - Music Producer, Writer
Round off an inspirational day with a chilled session from acclaimed musician and producer Richard Norris. Join us for an evening of soulful beats designed to promote healing and help you contemplate the
day’s learning.

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