Video has long been a key tool for B2B firms looking to cut through the noise and share their messages with audiences. However, with so much content vying for attention, companies are constantly finding new ways to drive engagement. And this is where live video streaming can make the difference for your business.

Live streaming is a hugely effective way to reach out to new customers and stay in touch with existing ones. After all, 82% of people prefer to see live-streamed video from firms than standard social media posts. Also, eight out of ten people would rather watch a company’s live stream than read a blog.

The challenge is that your competition is also quickly looking to take advantage of this growing audience for live video, with 95% of firms planning to increase or maintain their spend in this area. So, you can’t simply switch on the stream and start broadcasting. You need a plan to create high-quality content.

To help you make the most of your live streams, follow these eight steps that help our clients engage audiences and generate leads:

1. Define your strategy

Begin with a clear idea of what you want to share with your audience. Is there a recurring theme? What are the key takeaways? Is it for entertainment, or for education? The answers to these questions will shape how you structure and promote your streams.

2. Avoid jumping straight into each show. Make a plan!

Make sure you have a structure for each individual stream. Not only will it keep you on track, but it’ll also allow you to maintain the pace of the show. Plus you’ll be able to see exactly how long each section will run for as you plan out your content.

3. Choose the right platform

With so many social platforms to stream on, it can feel overwhelming to work out which is best for your firm’s needs. However, the key is to follow your audience. Ask yourself: who are they and where is their attention? With a clear idea of who you want to attract and where you’ll find them, the choice becomes a lot simpler.

4. Make your content exclusive

If you want to attract an audience, it’s vital to create something that your audience won’t see or hear anywhere else – possibly even on your other channels. There are a number of ways you can achieve this. For example, inviting a special guest onto your stream is a great way to put together content that no one else can share.

5. Engage with your audience during the stream

You definitely want to avoid talking at your audience for an entire event. Make them feel part of the occasion with a Q&A or a competition. You can also invite them to share their insights and opinions to bring them into the show.

6. Create consistency throughout your streams

The easier it is to engage with your events, the quicker you’ll build an audience. One way to approach this is to keep the same structure. Another is to post your live streams at a time your viewers can rely on you to be there. Even simple tricks like this make it easy for people to access and engage with you every time.

7. Include a hashtag or hashtags!

Get the conversation going about your event before you begin the stream, and keep the buzz going afterwards. Encourage your audience to use your hashtag(s) when posting to increase the reach of your digital events.

8. The fun doesn’t stop when the stream does

Keeping the conversation going after the stream is just as important as during it. You can use the content you just created to engage with your audience, allowing you to catch up with those who couldn’t make the event on the day.

Discover more about how we’re putting these insights to use for our clients. Find out how we helped genesis launch its Low Code EXPO 2020 series of live streams.