New-name client AxeTrading, who provide best-in-breed electronic trading solutions to Fixed Income market participants, have engaged ditto to refresh and relaunch their messaging, website, print/digital collateral, and a new corporate animation.
Continuing our long tradition of working for market-leading financial services technology providers, ditto’s Editorial team are developing persona-based messaging for Sell-side institutions, Buy-side firms and Agency / Broker banks – to articulate AxeTrading’s value proposition and competitive differentiators in the most compelling way for each participant type.
This messaging will then be deployed by our production specialists across an integrated suite of rich media assets, including: factsheets and pitch collateral, website and a 3D corporate animation – with plans for animated ‘tours’ of the solution mechanics and functionalities that are most appropriate to each client persona.
Click here to learn more about AxeTrading.
Click here to visit RegTek Solutions’ website, another example of ditto’s persona-based messaging approach.