Long-term ditto client FSL are introducing a new offering to the investment tax and wealth management markets: their Offshore Reporting Funds product. Providing clear, reliable and up-to-date data on these complex investment vehicles, the offering streamlines and facilitates the process of submitting accurate and timely reports to HMRC.
ditto’s editorial, content strategy and design teams have been collaborating with FSL to bring this new offering to market. Centred around a creative concept of music, piano tuning and ‘striking a chord’ with HMRC, the campaign will leverage an integrated suite of email, factsheets and video assets. These assets will be hosted within a dedicated landing page on the FSL website, as well as being activated through the trade publication Wealth Briefing, which will also host a dynamic banner ad for click-throughs and registrations of interest.
Click here to visit FSL’s website, and find out more about FSL’s Offshore Reporting Funds by clicking here.